Maternal self-efficacy in infant care among first-time mothers in Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro
maternal self-efficacy, infant care, motherhood, first-time mothersAbstract
Becoming a first-time mother is a significant transition, and maternal self-efficacy (MSE) is regarded as a key predictor of maternal functioning. This study assesses the level of maternal self-efficacy in infant care among first-time mothers in Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro.
A descriptive-correlational research design was employed. The study involved a sample of 227 first-time mothers from Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro. Data were collected through questionnaire interviews.
The first-time mothers responded in this study were confident in taking care of their infant. It showed that the respondents were confident in doing care taking procedures and situational beliefs while moderately confident in identifying evoking behaviors of the infant and reading behaviors or signaling from their infant.
It has been found that demographic profile of the respondents such as maternal age, educational attainment, marital status, income class, sex of the child, age of the child, father currently living with the child and partner’s employment status have no significant relationship with MSE.This means that majority of the respondents are confident in infant care and confirm the importance of MSE in the transition to motherhood, the complexity of different factors that may have an impact as first-time mothers.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Edmar S. Gado, Princess Erlaine J. Toledo, Nancy G. Antiong, Lenny Rose I. Anum, Ana D. Ingayan, Artemio M. Gonzales Jr. (Author)

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