Effectiveness of inventory management and productivity of Dapi-Mamburao Women Producers Cooperative


  • Rosenda M. Linga College of Business Administration and Management - Mamburao Campus, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Johanns Andrie D. Mulingbayan College of Business Administration and Management - Mamburao Campus, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Mary Joy D. Pama College of Business Administration and Management - Mamburao Campus, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Jaryl M. Eugenio College of Business Administration and Management - Mamburao Campus, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Naida E. Gamez College of Business Administration and Management - Mamburao Campus, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Jennifer A. Almaida College of Business Administration and Management - Mamburao Campus, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • John Bryan R. Arile College of Business Administration and Management - Mamburao Campus, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Shiela M. Villalobos College of Business Administration and Management - Mamburao Campus, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Marinell A. Tan College of Business Administration and Management - Mamburao Campus, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Judy A. Catalo College of Business Administration and Management - Mamburao Campus, Occidental Mindoro State College Author


inventory management, productivity, cooperative organizations, organizational profitability


This research delves into the assessment of inventory management effectiveness and productivity at the DAPI-Mamburao Women Producers Cooperative, situated in Sitio Dapi, Barangay Payompon, Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro. A total of 25 respondents participated in this study, employing a descriptive-correlation research design to comprehensively evaluate inventory management and productivity. The research instrument, a self-constructed questionnaire, was meticulously validated by five experts and rigorously tested for reliability using Cronbach's Alpha. Employing a 4-Point Likert scale, the study utilized statistical tools such as Mean and Kendall Tau Correlation Coefficient for data analysis. The study findings unveiled that most of the respondents demonstrated high proficiency in inventory tracking, demand forecasting, lead time management, and controlling inventory costs. Furthermore, most respondents exhibited commendable performance in areas like employee development, income generation, and resource utilization. Crucially, the research uncovered significant relationships between the effectiveness of inventory management and the extent of productivity. In light of these findings, the study recommends that the DAPI-Mamburao Women Producers Cooperative diligently monitor and manage its inventory, ensuring consistent production for organizational profitability and productivity. Additionally, it is advised that producers actively participate in training and seminars organized by the Cooperative Development Authority to enhance their inventory management effectiveness and drive productivity to new heights.


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How to Cite

Linga, R., Mulingbayan, J. A., Pama, M. J. ., Eugenio, J., Gamez, N., Almaida, J., Arile, J. B., Villalobos, S., Tan, M., & Catalo, J. (2024). Effectiveness of inventory management and productivity of Dapi-Mamburao Women Producers Cooperative. Aka Student Research Journal, 2(1), 44-50. https://journal.omsc.edu.ph/index.php/aka-journal/article/view/35

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