Time management, e-learning educational atmosphere, and online learning strategies of bachelor of elementary education students of the College of Teacher Education in Occidental Mindoro State College


  • Yeazel Zyrill Kaye D. Enmoceno College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Jane May Ann S. Topado College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Aira Pamela V. Cariaga College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Ericka M. Delas Alas College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Maureen M. Andres College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Darwin L. Reyno College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • John Ronnel B. Alvarez College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Joanne D. Gorospe College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author


time management, e-learning educational atmosphere, online learning strategies, bachelor of elementary education


This descriptive correlational study aimed to explore the relationship of time management, e-learning educational atmosphere, and online learning strategies of Bachelor of Elementary Education Students of the College of Teacher Education in Occidental Mindoro State College.

A total of 140 students were selected as respondents who participated in the study. The researchers employed an adopted research questionnaire of Time Management Questionnaire (TMQ), E-Learning Educational Atmosphere Measure (EEAM), and Online Learning Strategies Scale (OLSS). Results were interpreted through descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage while Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was utilized to find the relationship of the respondents’ time management, e-learning educational atmosphere, and online learning strategies.

Findings revealed that the majority of students responded in this study have a high level of time management. The level of time management of the students is significantly correlated with their extent of online learning strategies and the level of e-learning educational atmosphere of the students is significantly correlated with their online learning strategies. Furthermore, there is no significant relationship between the level of time management and the extent of online learning strategies.


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How to Cite

Enmoceno, Y. Z. K., Topado, J. M. A., Cariaga, A. P., Delas Alas, E., Andres, M., Reyno, D., Alvarez, J. R., & Gorospe, J. (2024). Time management, e-learning educational atmosphere, and online learning strategies of bachelor of elementary education students of the College of Teacher Education in Occidental Mindoro State College. Aka Student Research Journal, 2(1), 70-76. https://journal.omsc.edu.ph/index.php/aka-journal/article/view/42

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