Different amounts of Kantutay (Lantana camara) leaf extract as botanical insecticide against Pod Borer (Helicoverpa armigera)  of Mungbean (vigna radiata)


  • Monica G. Rivas College of Agriculture, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Marlon L. Vargas College of Agriculture, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Mac Gener D. Babas College of Agriculture, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Rochelle V. Soriano College of Agriculture, Occidental Mindoro State College Author


Kantutay, botanical insecticide, leaf extract, mungbean, pod borer


This study was conducted to determine the effect of different amounts of Kantutay (Lantana camara) leaf extract as botanical insecticide against pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) in mungbean (Vigna radiata). It was conducted at Vegetable Production, OMSC-Murtha San Jose, Occidental Mindoro from October 14 to December 5, 2022.

A total of 20 mungbean plants were randomly assigned to five treatments with four replications, each replication has 1 plant. Plants were given the same care and management practices for 11/2 months. The Completely Randomized Design (CRD) experiment was utilized and had the following treatments, T0= Control; T1 – 250g Kantutay + 750 ml distilled water; T2 - 500g Kantutay + 500 ml distilled water; T3 -750g Kantutay + 250 ml distilled water. While the control group was provided with recommended chemical insecticide.

A total of 200 pod borer larvae were collected from the field and introduced to 20 experimental plants with net cover to prevent pod borer larvae to getting out from experimental sites. Spraying of Kantutay leaf extracts begun two hours after the introduction of pod borer with the frequency of three applications at one day intervals. Mortality rates, percentage damaged leaves and percentage damaged pods were the parameters considered in the study.

Result revealed that the highest mortality rate of pod borer obtained on Treatment 3 and also registered as effective in reducing damaged leaves and damaged pods. However, this is not comparable in treatment 0 and treatment 4. The treatment with higher concentration of Kantutay leaf extract show higher number of mortality rate, lesser percentage of damaged leaves, and lesser percentage of damaged pods.


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How to Cite

Rivas, M., Vargas, M., Babas, M. G., & Soriano, R. (2023). Different amounts of Kantutay (Lantana camara) leaf extract as botanical insecticide against Pod Borer (Helicoverpa armigera)  of Mungbean (vigna radiata). Aka Student Research Journal, 2(1), 3-11. https://journal.omsc.edu.ph/index.php/aka-journal/article/view/29

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