Growth and yield response of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on different ratios of rice husk and corncob substrates
corncob, rice husk, colonization, spawn, oyster mushroomAbstract
This study investigated the growth and yield of oyster mushrooms using different substrate materials in a Completely Randomized Design utilizing four treatments: T0 (100% sawdust), T1 (25% rice husk + 75% corncob), T2 (50% rice husk + 50% corncob), and T3 (100% corncob). The experiment was conducted at Occidental Mindoro State College, College of Agriculture from June to October 2023. Polypropylene plastic bags were filled with different substrate combinations, pasteurized for 8 hours in a fabricated steel drum, and inoculated with oyster mushroom spawns. After colonization, the bags were placed in a growing house. Data were gathered from ten randomly selected fruiting bags per treatment. Results showed that 100% corncob significantly improved substrate efficiency by lowering the number of days to full inoculation and days to first flushing, increasing weight of oyster mushrooms, and biological efficiency. In addition, 100% corncob had comparable effects to 100% sawdust in terms of the number of fruits per flush and percentage marketable harvest. These findings suggest that corncob substrate, particularly 100% corncob, can be a viable alternative for oyster mushroom cultivation. It offers faster colonization, increased mushroom weight, and improved biological efficiency.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kristine M. Mangilog, Jessa Fae M. Mendez, Rochelle V. Soriano (Author)

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