About the Journal


Mindoro Journal of Social Sciences and Development Studies (MJSSDS), a peer reviewed journal, is the official publication of Occidental Mindoro State College published biannually. It aims to promote study and research that forge links between the social sciences and sustainable rural development. This journal is an interdisciplinary publication and welcomes articles from diverse theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches, which engage and contribute to rural development. It also focuses on the significance, roles, and implications of various disciplines on rural societies and community development.

Subject areas include but are not limited to the following fields:

  • Agriculture
  • Climate Change
  • Culture and Religion
  • Economic and Business Development
  • Education and Extension
  • Engineering and Architecture
  • Food and Energy Security
  • Gender and Development
  • Green Development
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Indigenous Knowledge
  • Language and Literature
  • Livelihood and Development
  • Policy and Development
  • Science and Technology for Rural Development
  • Social Change
  • Social Welfare
  • Sociology
  • Sustainable Tourism
  • Other Disciplines in Social Sciences


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Following the COPE (Code of Conduct of Publication Editors, Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors: https://publicationethics.org/), MJSSDS adheres to the highest ethical standard of publication.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


eISSN: 3028-1628

pISSN: 3028-161X