Satisfaction and competitive state anxiety of the San Jose Football Academy athletes


  • Jolo Francis D. Chu College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Jesriel A. Cacayorin College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Kathlyn E. Berdida College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Ferdinand B. Gino Jr College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Ryan James S. Tuscano College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author
  • Jennylyn G. Francisco College of Teacher Education, Occidental Mindoro State College Author


competitive state anxiety, football players, cognitive anxiety, satisfaction of athletes


This study examines the relationship between athletes' satisfaction and competitive state anxiety among football athletes at the San Jose Football Academy in Occidental Mindoro. Utilizing a descriptive-correlational research design, data were collected from 50 athletes using the Athlete’s Satisfaction Scale and the Competitive State Anxiety Scale. The findings indicate high levels of satisfaction among athletes, particularly with coaching and team performance, yet varying levels of competitive state anxiety, with moderate cognitive anxiety and low somatic anxiety observed. Notably, no significant correlation was found between overall athlete satisfaction and competitive state anxiety. However, a significant negative correlation was found between satisfaction with coaching and somatic anxiety (r = -0.35, p < 0.05), indicating that athletes who were more satisfied with their coaching experienced lower levels of physical anxiety symptoms. The study highlights the complexity of anxiety in sports, emphasizing the need for comprehensive interventions that go beyond enhancing satisfaction to effectively manage competitive state anxiety among athletes. These findings provide valuable insights for coaches and sports psychologists aiming to optimize both athlete satisfaction and performance under competitive conditions.


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How to Cite

Chu, J. F., Cacayorin , J., Berdida, K., Gino, F. J., Tuscano, R. J., & Francisco, J. (2024). Satisfaction and competitive state anxiety of the San Jose Football Academy athletes. Aka Student Research Journal, 3(1), 63-70.