About the Journal

Mindoro Journal of Social Sciences and Development Studies (MJSSDS), a peer-reviewed journal, is the official publication of Occidental Mindoro State College published biannually. It aims to promote study and research that forge links between the social sciences and sustainable rural development. This journal is an interdisciplinary publication and welcomes articles from diverse theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches, which engage and contribute to rural development. It also focuses on the significance, roles, and implications of various disciplines on rural societies and community development.


CALL FOR PAPERS (July-December 2024)


The Mindoro Journal of Social Sciences and Development Studies (MJSSDS), the official biannual publication of Occidental Mindoro State College, invites submissions for its upcoming July-December 2024 issue. As a peer-reviewed journal, MJSSDS is dedicated to fostering study and research that bridge the social sciences with sustainable rural development.

We welcome high-quality, original research articles from diverse theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches that contribute to the understanding and advancement of rural development. Our interdisciplinary focus encourages submissions that explore the significance, roles, and implications of various disciplines on rural societies and community development.

Areas of Interest Include but Are Not Limited to:
  • Rural sociology and anthropology
  • Sustainable agricultural practices
  • Rural education and literacy
  • Public health in rural areas
  • Rural economics and livelihood
  • Environmental sustainability in rural contexts
  • Rural infrastructure and technology
  • Community development and social policy
  • Gender studies and rural development
  • Indigenous knowledge and practices

Submit your article now.

Read more about CALL FOR PAPERS (July-December 2024)

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1: MJSSDS (January-June 2024)
					View Vol. 1 No. 1: MJSSDS (January-June 2024)

Introducing the first issue of the Mindoro Journal of Social Sciences and Development Studies for January to June 2024. 

Published: 2024-06-21


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